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Download Manhattan’s Foundations of GMAT Math, 5th Edition [PDF]

Manhattan’s Foundations of GMAT Math, 5th Edition [PDF]
Download Manhattan's Foundations of GMAT Math, 5th Edition [PDF]
About This:

Foundations of GMAT Math, 5th Edition
Author(s): Manhattan GMAT
Publisher: Manhattan Prep Publishing
Date: 2011
Pages: 489
Format: PDF
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1935707590
ISBN-13: 978-1935707592
Size: 18.35 MB
Manhattan GMAT’s Foundations of Math book provides a refresher of the basic math concepts tested on the GMAT. Designed to be user-friendly for all students, this book provides easy-to-follow explanations of fundamental math concepts and step-by-step application of these concepts to example problems.
With ten chapters and over 600 practice problems, this book is an invaluable resource to any student who wants to cement their understanding and build their basic math skills for the GMAT.
List of Chapters:
1. Arithmetic
2. Divisibility
3. Exponents & Roots
4. Fractions
5. Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
6. Equations
7. Quadratic Equations
8. Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value
9. Word Problems
10. Geometry
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