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Complete Season Packs

3 Caminos Complete S01 SPANISH 480p WEBRip x264-TFPDL

3 Caminos Complete S01 SPANISH 480p WEBRip x264-TFPDL
2000, 2006 and 2021. Three trips, three stages of five lives. Jana, Luca, Roberto, Yoon Soo and Raquel are in their mid-20s / early 30s on their first two “Caminos”, and past 40 on their third. So much will happen until then: Jana’s anti-establishment rage will have calmed somewhat, revealing unexpected compassion in the German woman. Luca, the Italian, will hit rock bottom and resurrect himself with a little help from his friends. Roberto, the Mexican, will learn to forgive himself by accepting that another’s death was not his fault. And while their passion for music makes Korean Yoon Soo and Spaniard Raquel the perfect couple, they must learn the hard way that they have mistaken friendship for love before they can once again find peace of mind. All of them experience friendship and loss, jealousy and love, courage and despair, forgiveness, bliss and finding their own personal purpose in life.
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Out Of Egypt Complete S01 480p WEBRip x264-TFPDL

Out Of Egypt Complete S01 480p WEBRip x264-TFPDL
Today’s city dwellers may think of urban living as an improvement over the existence of our hunting and gathering ancestors. But Egyptologist Dr. Kara Cooney explains that our modern tendency to live in cities isn’t the result of an inevitable march towards progress. Beginning roughly 12,000 years ago, a sudden change in human behavior determined the very nature of modern civilization. And archaeological evidence from some of the world’s first cities – like Jericho in the West Bank of Palestine, Catal Huyuk in Turkey, and even early prehistoric settlements in Egypt – suggests that living in cities may bring just as many problems as it solves.
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