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Kung Fu S03E12 480p WEBRip x264-TFPDL

Kung Fu S03E12 480p WEBRip x264-TFPDL
A quarter-life crisis causes a young Chinese-American woman, Nicky Chen, to drop out of college and go on a life-changing journey to an isolated monastery in China. But when she returns to find her hometown overrun with crime and corruption, Nicky uses her martial arts skills and Shaolin values to protect her community and bring criminals to justice — all while searching for the assassin who killed her Shaolin mentor and is now targeting her.
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Rougo ni Sonaete Isekai de 8-manmai no Kinka wo Tamemasu E09 720p WEBRip x265-TFPDL

Rougo ni Sonaete Isekai de 8-manmai no Kinka wo Tamemasu E09 720p WEBRip x265-TFPDL
One day, Mitsuha falls off a cliff and is transported to a medieval Europe–type world! After a near-death encounter with a pack of wolves, she then realizes that she’s able to transport between two worlds—this one and her own. Taking advantage of this ability, Mitsuha decides to live in both worlds and calculates that she’ll need 80,000 gold coins to be able to retire! Mitsuha now has to come up with different ways to collect her gold coins!
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